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How CEOs can improve their communication with staff

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In the current business environment, there are also many different ways to engage and communicate with staff. Email and digital communications remain incredibly popular, while company-wide announcements are also useful. Even the everyday conversations that leaders have with staff offer an opportunity to convey important messages, especially in small businesses where it is easier to personally know staff.

Staff communications from a CEO represent some of the most useful conversations a business leader will have. Setting business goals and crafting an organisational strategy is obviously very important, but the way these are then shared with employees is equally valuable.

However you communicate with employees, it is still valuable to convey information in an effective manner. The good news is that companies and business leaders that can do this right will also see increases in performance and engagement from their staff.

Keeping communication with staff fresh

There have been a number of studies that highlight the benefits that CEOs can realise from communicating effectively with their employees, especially if they can utilise creative strategies to improve engagement.

This was underscored by the 2015 Mobile Trends in the Workplace Survey, conducted by theEMPLOYEEapp. The research found a clear link between employee job satisfaction and communication, with 68 percent saying frequent communications affect engagement.

However, many of the most common communication platforms are also being neglected, with 30 percent of staff ignoring an employer’s emails. A further 50 percent of respondents feel out of the loop with what is going on in their organisation.

For CEOs, the takeaway is clear – keeping employees engaged through their communications requires creativity and variety to truly reach individual employees.

Telling a story

It isn’t just the avenue CEOs use that warrants attention, but also the way this information is presented. Much like any other communications, employees will be looking for a story that positions your core message within a broader narrative about the company and its growth.

Applying this mindset can take some practice for CEOs, especially those that might be used to short, sharp communications with staff. However, the benefits include greater engagement among workers and the ability to locate complex or technical problems within a bigger picture that can keep employees from switching off.

Mastering communications with staff doesn’t have to be difficult. Done well, it can offer a significant boost to your business and ensure workers are listening to what you have to say.

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