Vistage Works

Building lifelong leadership excellence.

The collective wisdom of leaders coming together

Across a range of industries, our members past and present share the impact that Vistage membership has had on themselves and their businesses. Honing their decision making skills when facing critical business challenges and driving real growth.

Chris Nelson Vistage Member Juicebox

Chris Nelson– Juicebox

Juicebox started as a garage startup with minimal industry experience. Over the years, the company has achieved organic growth and garnered recognition locally and nationally. Educating clients about the ever-changing digital landscape, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve.
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Ross Sardi - First Focus IT Vistage member

Ross Sardi – First Focus IT

For business leaders, building solid teams of executives around them can make or break their tenure. Investing in their team’s skills and experience can be crucial to ensuring business success in the long run. Ross Sardi is leading by example by sharing his peer mentoring experiences so his executives can flourish and develop.
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James Kemp – Amicus Vistage member

James Kemp – Amicus

Rebuilding company’s strategy was not an easy decision for James. Rather than simply try to continue with business as usual, the team at Amicus made a conscious effort to change the way they operate at every level. Strong focus led to a substantial increase in the company's profits.
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