Chair Profile

I’ve navigated both success and failure. While successful exits to private equity and trade sales were career highlights, lessons learned from failures have been the most valuable. Sharing insights based on real-world experiences supports business owners and CEOs help drive their businesses forward and achieve abundance in their professional and personal lives.’

Brad McDougall is a serial entrepreneur and over the past 25 years Brad has founded both small and medium enterprises, achieved successful exits and held CEO positions across multiple industry sectors.

He founded his first business in the mid-2,000s in the Corporate Services sector. After identifying gaps in the market and navigating the GFC his business became an industry leader. He co-founded an industry association and represented the interests of both providers and the market at Government level. He successfully exited that business to Private Equity 6 years later.

He’s reinvented himself multiple times having launched, scaled and exited numerous start-ups and franchise operations in Health-tech, Property Development, Prop-tech and the Fitness industry.

Brad’s passion is getting into the weeds, unpacking what the real problem is, and identifying strategic and clear pathways that optimise success for individuals, teams and businesses.

As a business coach his mantra is ‘Let’s Explore That’ and is focused on meeting leaders ‘where they are at’, identifying roadblocks and empowering them to succeed professionally and personally.

Career Highlights

  • Successfully founded, scaled and exited multiple business across non-related industries locally, nationally and globally.
  • Led and raised capital from Angels to VCs to germinate and scale start-ups and non-tech businesses.
  • Co-founder andFounding Director of an industry body, contributing to many state and federal government industry groups and committees.
  • Qualified educator and certified coach.
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