Chair Profile

I know the power of having a group of trusted peers, where no question is off the table, where individual effectiveness and accountability are amplified, and you don’t need to have all the answers.  I’m passionate about providing that environment and helping people and businesses thrive.

Jane Lovell’s career has been shaped by her curiosity and interest in lifelong learning.  Her appetite for new challenges has taken her from scientific research to senior executive and C-suite roles in start-ups, family owned and global businesses.  She has also worked in the Australian Parliament and on assignments advising international governments.  

Her leadership, mentoring and facilitation skills draws on this diversity of experience.  Her approach is straight forward, open and honest.  As a small business owner herself, she believes in stress testing decision making through innovative thinking and considering diverse perspectives.  She is not afraid to challenge the status quo or look beyond the horizon.

Her aim is always to bring out the best in individuals so they can excel professionally and personally.

Jane contributes to her local community through active involvement in environmental and climate related committees.  She has experience as an international business volunteer and continues to be involved with pro bono projects.

She sits on statutory and not-for-profit Boards and their associated committees.

Career highlights and achievements include:

  • CEO roles
  • Leadership of advocacy and membership organisations
  • Director, chair and finance and risk experience in statutory and industry association boards
  • International business and government consultancies
  • Telstra Best of Business Awards judge
  • Securing and delivering 56,000 RATs across regional Victoria at the height of covid
  • Tasmanian Rural Woman of the Year

Jane holds qualifications in governance, international relations, leadership and science.

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