Chair Profile

‘Working with coaches, colleagues, and clients across diverse organisations and industries, I’ve come to realise that great leaders aren’t afraid to ask or to offer help. This has led me to Vistage where I can be part of meaningful conversations that spark insights, drive actions and accelerate leadership performance.’

As an accomplished coach and facilitator for over 20 years Peter Griffith is driven by the belief that ‘the mind that has the problem usually has the solution – it’s just waiting for the right question’. This has informed his approach working with senior executives, entrepreneurs and teams across Asia Pacific, North America and Europe. 

Walking in the shoes of a Founder and CEO, Peter has rich experience in business transformation, growth, M&A and transacting the sale of businesses. He knows that a well-executed strategy is the culmination of exceptional leadership, a purpose and values-led culture with diverse capability, and focused discipline backed by accountability and resilience. 

Peter’s executive career took off with a unique opportunity to contribute to the transformation of the prestigious Fairfax Media business from print to digital. Leading the charge in the property advertising division, he played a pivotal role in developing the renowned platform.

Throughout his journey, Peter skilfully guided businesses through various disruptive and challenging events, including the Tech Wreck, 9/11, the Global Financial Crisis and the Pandemic.

Some career highlights include:

  • Global Partner of rogenSi, transacting sale to American firm Teletech in 2014
  • 20+ years leading strategy execution and transformation projects for a diverse group of companies including Aon, Blackmores, Boral, Caltex, Fairfax, and Lendlease 
  • Founder and CEO of 3Things Consulting
  • Founder of TGS Leadership
  • Pitch consultant and sales coach to win multi-million/billion-dollar deals
  • Chair and mentor for CEOs Forums, Advisory Boards, and Executive Boards
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