Privacy Policy

This is the Privacy Policy of TEC (The Executive Connection Pty Ltd) – ACN 002 922 956 – and its related companies (collectively referred to as “TEC”, “The Executive Connection”, “we”, “our” or “us”).

TEC takes your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how the Personal Information you provide to us is used by TEC. We follow strict guidelines on the use and disclosure of your personal information. TEC is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and, in particular, the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act.

If we change our privacy policy we will update this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy will apply to any Personal Information you provide to us in connection with any enquiry, agreement or arrangement we enter into with you and any other interaction we might have with you including via this website or other online sites. It will also apply to any information we might collect about you from another source such as a credit reference report, a company search in respect of a company in which you are an officer or shareholder and information which we might collect from other public sources of information.

For further information regarding the use of our website, please contact us directly.

What Personal Information does TEC collect?

TEC collects information about you such as your name, address, email address, contact details and, if necessary, your credit or debit card or bank account details. We collect this information from you and we hold information in both hard copy and soft copy formats. Soft copy data is held in the United States of America, Japan and Australia. TEC will take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Information held by us is secure, accurate, complete and up-to-date. We may obtain credit information about you from a credit reporting agency or from another credit provider. From time to time we may collect information from direct marketing agencies. This is collected and held in soft copy. Any personal information collected by TEC will be deleted or destroyed when no longer needed.

Can you choose not to provide your Personal Information?

You have full control over the Personal Information you provide to TEC. It is entirely your choice whether you provide this information to us and at any time you can choose not to provide any of your personal details. However, if this information is not provided, TEC may be unable to process your enquiry or otherwise affect the purposes for which the information has been collected. When entering into a transaction with us, some of this information will be essential for us to identify you correctly and for this reason it is mandatory to provide us with it if you wish to transact with us.

Access and correction

In accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles you have certain rights to gain access to the information which TEC holds about you and to seek correction of it. If at any time you would like to gain access to your Personal Information as permitted under the Australian Privacy Principles, or you would like to have some information which we hold about you corrected then please contact us as outlined below.

How will we use and disclose your Personal Information?

TEC uses your Personal Information to provide products and services to you as requested, to perform all necessary administrative functions in connection with the provision of those products and services, to maintain a record of our dealings with you, to contact you from time to time, to provide you with information about other products and services which may be of interest to you, to fulfil any other purpose which you have consented to or which the Privacy Act permits us to use your information for. Information provided via our website will be used to personalise your visit to our website, to customise our service to your needs, to respond to your requests and to communicate with you.


When you apply for a job with TEC we will collect certain information from you, from any recruitment consultant and from your previous employers and others who may be able to provide information to us to assist us in our decision on whether or not to make you an offer of employment. We will use this information solely for that purpose.

This policy does not apply to acts and practices in relation to employee records of our current and former employees which are exempt from the Privacy Act.


When you log onto our website we will log the date and time when you entered the website. TEC uses this type of information to track the patterns of visitors using our website and to examine online trends and demographics. This may include identifying which areas on our website are popular and which areas are not popular. TEC collects this information through the use of “cookies”.

Cookies contain information about your preferences. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that your web browser transmits to your hard drive to enable our system to recognise your browser. This means that we are able to know information about you when you next visit our website, such as your country of residence.

Cookies do not reveal your personal identity, but if you don’t want cookies the help option of your browser’s tool bar will tell you how to prevent cookies or disable cookies entirely. You can still use this website even if you choose to disable cookies, but we recommend you leave the cookies on to take advantage of TEC services.

We partner with third party ad networks to manage our advertising on other sites. Our ad network partner uses cookies and web beacons to collect information about your activities on this and other websites to provide you targeted advertising based upon your interests.

How secure is the information you give to TEC on our website?

TEC uses only the most secure technology when handling your Personal Information on our website. Where applicable, we also follow the strictest security procedures for the storage of information in compliance with the Privacy Act.

Queries and complaints

For any queries or further information, or if you wish to make a complaint about the way we have collected, used, held or disclosed your information, then please contact TEC on 1300 271 941 or email We will endeavour to respond to your query or complaint as quickly as possible.