Peer Advisory Groups

Gain a competitive edge by joining a peer advisory group.

becoming a vistage Member

What sets successful leaders apart?

CEOs, business owners and senior executives are often navigating a complex business landscape with diverse opinions and advice. What sets successful leaders apart? Having access to a structured forum for impartial feedback and guidance from respected peers who understand the challenge of leadership. A Vistage peer advisory group provides a confidential space to troubleshoot, strategise and seize opportunities.

In this ever-evolving business landscape, where decisions impact results, a dedicated peer advisory group can be the key to unlocking new levels of success.

TEC Coaches stand out

Vistage peer advisory groups are:

  • 100% confidential, providing a trusted circle of success advocates.
  • Expertly tailored to ensure members are from non-competing companies and diverse industries.
  • A safe forum for diverse thinking to solve challenges and explore opportunities.

De-risk your decision-making process.

As a business leader you don’t have to have all the answers, a peer advisory group can provide a confidential sounding board where no subject is off-limits. Members find unbiased support and respectful challenge in an open forum environment to make more informed choices and better decisions.

Over 45,000+ members globally rely on their peer advisory group to make better decisions, become better leaders and gain better results.

TEC Coaches stand out
TEC Coaches stand out

A coach and mentor (Vistage Chair) facilitates the group.

Vistage Chairs are accomplished business leaders, many have been CEOs themselves. They help stimulate thinking, frame issues, guide discussions and keep the meetings focused and productive. Members are carefully matched with a Chair for one-to-one executive coaching and mentoring sessions. This provides time to deep dive into professional and personal goals.

Frequently asked questions

What is a peer advisory group?

A peer advisory group is a close knit group of experienced peers who meet regularly in a confidential forum to share expertise, unbiased support and diverse perspectives. The group provides a trusted, community of high-performing CEOs and business owners who’ve faced similar situations.

What happens at a Vistage group meeting?

At a Vistage peer group meeting, you’ll meet with fellow CEOs or business owners led by an executive mentor and coach (Vistage Chair) to process the challenges and opportunities you face as a leader using our proven issue-processing model. You’ll also have access to expert resources providing expertise and inspiration to stretch your thinking and grow. All meetings are focused, productive and leave you with actionable next steps.

How do you find the right group?

Business leaders from non-competing companies are expertly matched to a Vistage Chair and a group of trusted peers who become your success advocates. Egos and agendas are left at the door allowing Vistage to be a safe environment for members to be candid, honest and invested in the success of each group member.

The value of Vistage

Timna Kerr

Sales Director of GAMA Healthcare

‘The healthcare industry is so insular and before Vistage, my colleagues or my peers were all hearing and telling the same story. This made us think we were doing the right thing because we were all doing the same thing. So I assumed that what we were doing was right.’

Scott Park

Managing Director of Scott Park Group Pty Ltd

‘Vistage’s peer mentoring group offers a safe space for executives to share issues and discuss problem solving strategies. Having influence from other executives and being able to actively listen and take on board the opinions of others without the fear of judgment is really powerful.’

Sara Blunt

CEO of Kalyra Communities

‘As a CEO, I’m fortunate enough to have a board to report to, which helps with business direction and growth. Being able to complement this with a pool of people at the same level as me across various industries inspires me to be creative, provides me with a safe place to bounce ideas and always offers a fresh perspective for me to consider.’

Find out about membership today

Our members are as diverse as the wide range of businesses they run. They are enthusiastic entrepreneurs and business leaders, passionate about making a difference at work and in the world around them. Our proven process helps executives and owners across Australia and New Zealand become better leaders. Explore who could be sitting at your table.